Monday, June 13, 2011

This summer is dragging on.

I remember being in elementary school and having summers that felt like they were centuries long.  As the years progressed, summers felt shorter and I desperately wanted to have more days off from school.  This summer, it feels like how it used to feel when I was smaller.

I've been doing a few things different lately.  It's unusual for me to go to my grandma Nieves' house in Sullivan City when my parents go because I normally want to stay home and spend time doing silly things. Normally,  I don't go outside often in mid-afternoon to sit with my mom while she is watering the plants.  But two days ago, after forcing myself to go to my grandma Nieves' place because I wanted to come home to talk to Toshi, I ended up staying over and spending the night next door at my cousin's house.  Believe me, I love my family to death as it is but I feel like now I'm starting to appreciate the time I have with them more than ever.

Since I opened a bank account today with $525 dollars, I bought my plane ticket to Boston.  I was initially going to go on the same flight with Rhed and Kwan, two guys from California who I would've met up with on my connected flight in the Dallas/ Fort Worth airport to Boston, but today I couldn't find their flight and figured that there was no plane leaving McAllen that day that would get me there in time for the 12:30 connected flight.  Therefore, I was happy to ask Carlos about his flight time. Now it seems that I will be leaving for Boston with him in the Dallas/Fort Worth flight and sitting right next to him.

There are quite a bit of things I must do this summer before I leave and I have been slowly but surely keeping on track with all the forms that must be completed.   The only thing that sucks is that I still haven't gotten my Meningitis immunization and I'm certainly not excited for it.  It's a bit moronic of me to be afraid of little immunization needles when I've gotten several piercings (all diy) and my ears are stretched but I just hate for other people to touch me with sharp and pointy things.  

Right now, I'm not bored of my life.  I have enough worries, stress, anxiety, uncertainty, housework, family issues, and even excitement to keep me occupied.  However, I'm ready to see another part of this world for once.

The oh-so-sheltered-by-this-almost-all-Hispanic-society,

Dina Starr

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Graduation, party, and balloons sailing into the vast sky.

I still haven't started my placement exam due to the graduation events that came up this week.  I didn't think I would even be slightly fazed on graduation night but what moved me was that after bitterness between two people for two years, I gave them both written notes about how I felt.  If it were the old me, I probably wouldn't have bothered trying to stay on good terms with those people, much less give them cards with kind and sincere words.  But something made me want to make peace.  It's like my warrior spirit was smothered and out came this mini Mother Teresa...ok I'll never be that good.  You catch my drift?

So what ended up happening graduation night was the end of this silent ongoing battle between two people and me.  This battle ended so well that we hugged and I cried like a fool afterwards.  At that moment, I felt my soul was cleansed.  At 1:00 a.m, i lied awake in my bed thinking of the events.  For once, I wasn't an asshole who just sought revenge against those who disliked me.   With some initial discomfort, I did what I think was the best choice I could've made and I'm pleasantly surprised at myself.

Friday night, I had my graduation party at my house.  My godmother did such an amazing job putting everything together from putting cute decorations, cooking awesome food, and giving me all sorts of nice keepsakes.  I felt a lot of love from everyone that night.  Most of my Odyssey of the Mind team was there and we reminisced about our amazing season.  Andrea was such a good sport dancing with my cousins all night and I was surprised to see someone there:  Sang.

During my junior year, Sang and I talked all the time and I felt a really strong connection with him.  I really liked him but during the last two months of the 2009-2010 school year, something happened that our relationship kinda became cold.  After he graduated, I didn't see him at all until the day of my party, where he showed up with these beautiful flowers for me.  I was so pleased that he had come because it was the first time I had seen him in a year and I missed him.  My stomach hurt all night and I at first thought I was just nervous to be with Sang or something ridiculous like that but it turned out to be my period...great huh?  We sat together and spoke to each other the whole time.  He was so kind about my bossy ways and accompanied me everywhere I went.  I appreciated it so much and that night really made me think about him a lot today.

At noon on Saturday, there was a bouquet of about 12 balloons from the party just hanging out in my dining room.  "Go outside and let them go", my mom said.  So I untied the strings from the chair and went outside.  With the balloons in my hand, I remembered the times I was 7 years old and I liked to imagine that one day I could fly up into the air if I collected enough balloons to lift me up.  The wind was raging and suddenly I was scared.

 I didn't want to let go of the balloons.  No, it's not that I thought they were too awesome to be let go but some fear just overcame me.  "Let them go," my mom insisted.  "All together?"  I asked stupidly.  "No" she responded.  "One at a time.  Make a wish before you let the wind take them away."  I made a wish and slowly released my grasp on one of the strings.  One at a time, I let them rise into the air and felt a sense of emptiness.  The day of my own departure is coming soon and I have to make the best of this summer.

"Look at that black and silver balloon," my mom gasped. "I can still see it rising up in the clouds. "  It was true.  One of the balloons I had let go first was continuing on in its  ascendence.  I kept my eyes on the little moving speck till my eyes could no longer stand the intensity of the sun.

"Dina," my mom said.  "Like the balloon, you will reach great heights."

Sitting silently in my room,

Dina Starr

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Parties and Angry Birds.

My dad managed to fix the desktop computer (it'll be virus-ridden in at least a month) so I'm back again! I reall began to miss my blog and felt dead and useless these past few days.  With graduation coming up on Thursday, I'm feeling rather fine but certainly not that excited because I'm already getting a taste of summer and it's sucking pretty hard ones.  I don't want to become desperate and have to resort to more on my wall with lipstick.  That would be pretty fun but I would be DEAD.

For the past three days, I have been eating alot of watermelon and now I'm starting to feel like one!  My parents have been making preparations for my graduation and everytime they make trips to H-E-B to buy foods for the party they come back with these big ass watermelons...then I feel obligated to eat more because it looks so yumilicious sitting there in this huge white bowl with its juices dripping out so enticingly.

Honestly, I don't want a party because parties are so self-indulgent and you pretty much end up wasting alot of money just for people to come eat, listen to music, and make a mess.  That's kinda why I didn't have a quinceanera when I turned 15 but I was never THAT type of girl.  Even now, as I am going to have a party, I didn't invite many people.  Why?  Because I'm also not one to consider aquaintances to be real friends.  Still, there are alot of people I haven't invited yet that I would like to come but I guess I can tell them tonight via FB or just give them a heads up at graduation.  As far as I know, I may only be going to two graduation parties since I'm quite the busy person and I have SO MANY tasks to complete...lies.  Like I mentioned before, aquaintances are not true friends. 

Right now, I would like to smack my brother because he keeps on asking me if I'm done and complaining that his Xbox connection  only has "ONE FUCKING BAR!!!!!!!!!"  but he can say whatever the hell he wants because I'm only going to stay online longer just to spite him.  It's a good thing that my sister is gone right now too because she would probably be yelling "DIE STUPID BIRDS!!!" with that damn game that so many I know are obsessed with called Angry Birds. 

My room and guitar are summoning me.  This piece of shit computer better work to see tomorrow's blog.  I won't be surprised if it dies right before I post this.  *crosses fingers*

I have a blue little window and a blue Corvette (I wish),

Dina Starr

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

I may be getting sick...

Why does this always happen at during the last days of school!?  I don't know if my immune system goes down due to apathy or the coming of summer blues but my body can be so inconvenient sometimes.  Just like situations in which you get a bad case of hiccups right before you have to deliver a speech or those times when you get your period the day you're set to go on a trip.  I call that bad luck and a shitty sense of humor on the body's part. 

I feel achy and dehydrated right now.  I'm like a dessicated cactus plant that has been uprooted by some sandstorm.  My sister probably passed on her illness to me...she's sprawled across her bed trembling with a fever.  I actually don't think I'm REALLY getting sick though.  Her sickness vibes probably just were transmitted to me and as a result I am feeling this fictitious illness coming on.  I don't know what it is but I feel really tired now that I want to ignore all these people on FB who are messaging me and go to sleep.  But I can't because I love talking to people...why oh why...and I'm waiting for a call.

Thanks to Mr. Watkins, all today I thought about West Side Story and the scene where Tony and Maria sing "Tonight".  Crap...can't it get the hell out of my head already?!  There's no way I will go to sleep early.  I want to miss school again but there's so much to do and this is the last week of high school for seniors so I SUPPOSE I ought to go...MUST...BE A...SENTIMENTAL...SAP! Not.

I don't even want to spend time being sarcastic right now.  Good grief.  I'm just going to get the whole gallon of water and drink it all myself...everyone else can drink apple juice and milk in the morning.  Right now it's all about me and my fighter, bring me the hose...

Interpret as you wish,

Dina Starr

Monday, May 23, 2011

Nothing in my house ever works...including me.

Two months ago, I cracked the screen of my iTouch.  Last week, I lost my phone and as a result have to use this old ghetto phone that my sister used a billion years ago.  Its so shitty that its missing the back cover that holds the battery and I had to tape it up.  When I finally came back home Saturday night from being at friend's houses and doing all sorts of other nonsense, my sister announced the death of my laptop.  GREAT.

The laptop is actually working right now though because my dad figured out that it was the part of the laptop where the charger is connected that was messed up but it will probably randomly turn off while I type this...sigh.  I've come to the conclusion that I should not be trusted with electronic devices or most other material possessions because putting them in my hands is just a recipe for disaster.  Unfortunately, I'm so irresponsible with these things that I broke my brother's PSP only a few months after he bought it.  This may well be a reflection of my personality, I know.  I don't want to make some cheesy analogy between these broken items and myself to say that I'm a "broken" soul because I'm far from it.

Maybe it is my aggressiveness that makes me such a bad candidate for the possession of technological items.  I think I often don't handle things with care and just bust out my inner Hulk instead of behaving in a calm and dignified manner.  My handwriting also reflects this nature as well.  You know how people say that girls often have noticably neat and bubbly handwriting?  Well, I'm one of the few that writes worse than a preschooler.  Some have even gone as far to say that my handwriting looks like really isn't THAT bad, I don't think. 

My room is a disaster as well.  If my mom wouldn't go into my room when I'm away to clean (and check out what kind of romantic letters are hidden behind my closet...yeah Mom, I know), my room would be a fort of papers covering the entire area, shielding me from the clear thoughts that wish they could occupy my mind.  My book bag needs major help, but I've gotten better.  It used to be so bad that in middle school and during my freshman year I'd get 0's on assignments because I couldn't find them in my extensive portfolio of garbage.  The bag may as well have been called a BFI garbage disposal.

For as long as I have remembered, I have been the same scattered-brained, disorganized, way-too-outspoken (it at times seems as though I have no verbal filter), manic person.  There must be something wrong with me.  In fact, my depersonalization disorder may be a product of a bigger picture that I long ago failed to notice.  In a way, I like being this way though. 

It gives me more balls than some guys I know.  There are a number of things wrong with each person in this world, especially me.  Mother Earth doesn't cater much to the weak, now does it?

Not cleaning my room or book bag,

Dina Starr

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Having no phone, getting dressed practically for nothing, and being too excited about operas.

My mom has always told me I am absent-minded.  She was right for a long time until my sophomore year when I learned to be semi-responsible.  Unfortunately for me, her words were true today when I LOST my cell phone!  I have such a mess in my book bag that there may well be mold growing in there.  I keep papers from first semester sometimes and don't bother to dump all the junk out until the end of the year.  There had been times before that I thought I had lost my phone only to find it hiding under Mt. Spanish Literature but this time, I think it jumped over the mountain range and is now possibly lost somewhere between the prison walls of school.

I had never permanently lost my phone, until today.  Last time, after having looked for it for two weeks to no avail, I found it under Mt. Creaky Bed, hiding in the corner covered by the ends of the bed spread.  This time, I'm almost certain that it's long gone.  Someone must've already picked it up, taken it home, and started making prank phone calls to Indonesia.

This afternoon, a baccalaureate service was held and my mom (like always) put too much thought into what I should wear underneath my gown.  I tried explaining to her that I wasn't going to take off the gown yet she insisted upon buying me ANOTHER dress.  Another dress?  Was she freaking kidding me?!  Stubborn as I am, I refused to put it on and told her to return it because I had another dress to wear.  No one had ever seen me wear the dress and it didn't matter anyhow because it was going to be covered!  When we got there, it took forever for all three high schools to get their students lined up and seated.  The actual service took less time than the preparation.  We were there for what seemed like 2 seconds.  I probably could've shown up with shorts underneath my graduation gown for all anyone cared.

This evening, all I've done is listen to music from operas, especially Natalie Dessay's rendition of "Ombre Legere".  Everytime I hear a coloratura soprano singer perform, I melt.  I remember during my sophomore year I was fixated with the opera entitled "La Fille Du Regiment" and now I think the new music I'm falling in love with is that of the opera "Dinorah".  I don't even know its storyline nor can I truely comprehend the lyrics but the pieces are amazing.

I think I'll listen to Dessay's voice for another two hours.

So enthralled I'm appalled,

Dina Starr

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Long talks.

Today was a beautiful day of domino playing during AP Stats.  I just hate myself for becoming so obsessed with the game!  Other than that, something I did today made me feel like I was in middle school all over again:  talking to a friend for and extended period of time on skype.

In middle school, I remember spending countless hours chatting over the phone about petty nothingness with treacherous bffs who called me to talk bad about eachother (they probably called eachother to talk about me too) and rebellious, metal head, high school boys who couldn't pass Algebra I.  Why I continued such friendships with the people I just described is beyond me.  I wanted to be a rotten little apple, I'm sure.

I logged onto skype a little earlier today than usual and chatted seemingly incessantly with Ben Nuzzo.  The funny thing is that I had not comunicated much with him on the Harvard Class of 2015 group or simply on FB chat but once we first talked on Sunday, he seemed like a pretty cool bean so we talked yesterday for some time and today for about four hours.  Besides him being funny and witty, he is also honest and courteous too...especially for situations involving blouses that go down and begin to expose too much.  If you understood what I was saying there, great.  If not, get an imagination.

We got off not too long ago and after the conversation, I felt like I was thirteen again. Lately, I've been too nostalgic for my own good but I loved it because I had not done such a long talking session since the days I was at Garcia Middle School getting into fights with girls that used glitter glue as eyeshadow.  Who knew that cheap hoes were created at such an early age? Oh, the people in the Maury show probably would be aware of such concepts.

For a while last year, I tried to imagine what my life would be like if I became who I used to be:  that punk rock/goth girl with raccoon eye makeup and too many piercings.  I tried recreating the look and realized that I can no longer pull it off without people thinking I was trying to be some sort of late blooming hipster.  No.  My current identity begs to stay.

But if there was something I learned about today's conversation with Ben, it would be that I should take life less seriously and let my poor deprived little soul go wild.  But if I behaved with other people the way I do on chats with Ben, I'm sure a portion of the people who respect me now would be in awe.  Sorry, I was born to be wild.  In all honesty, I'm a good person, really I am...but I'm like the Jabberwocky with the jaws that bite, the claws that catch! 
Beware the Jubjub bird, and shun
  The frumious Bandersnatch!

Dina Starr

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Cannot believe I ate Burger King today...thanks, Dad.

All this week, I've been feeling full and complaining about how I have eaten excessively. Ironically, instead of eating less this weekend, I actually ate more with the help of my dad's bad eating habits!  Every Sunday, my dad has the day off and in the morning he usually brings breakfast tacos from El Patio.  I actually really like them but the problem is that they are made with flour tortillas which can be fattening and make you bloated.  I should've known from all the years that I've eaten those tacos that my stomach was going to feel balloon-like and disgusting but no...I just HAD to eat it because I can't say no to good food.

The one that I don't understand is my failure to say no to Burger King.  My sister called my dad saying that she, my brother, and I were hungry and my dad said he would bring something to eat.  I wasn't even hungry but was already making myself two slices of toast bread to eat for dinner cause the fridge was empty, like always.  After she called, I ended up not eating the bread and got mad because it seems that everytime I'm going to make food, my parents bring me some! It never fails to turn out that way!  But when my dad showed up with Burger King, I felt my thighs automatically grow ten more inches in diameter.

I know that it is partially my fault because no one FORCED me to put the food in my mouth but I can't just leave the food there...that would be rude.  Plus, no one else in my family would eat a veggie burger (that's the only good thing about BK...they have vegetarian options but their food is still shit fried in hot oil).  So I ate it with the cold greasy fries that came with it (they must've been sitting out for a good while because they were soggier than my ass) and I happily slurped up my gargantuan Diet Coke (apparently, it was a medium sized drink but if it were up to me, I'd call it an OBESE sized cup of death...especially if it were filled with Dr. Pepper or any other sugary drink). 

If it weren't for my thunder thighs, maybe I wouldn't have given a crap about eating that junk.  Unfortunately, having an almost dormant, perhaps even nonexistent, metabolism, I gain about 20 pounds just from breating in air so you can't even imagine how vicious a little gram of saturated fat can be on me...especially on my thighs and ass...oh lord.  I'm not gonna worry though cause at least I know that I will be able to survive longer during a period of famine with all my stored junkkkkkkkkk.  Take that, anorexia!

I can't believe I spent all day eyes are slowly melting with the radiation of the computer.  Ew, i just got a mental image of that happening.  I'll be off to go watch the news.  I'm sure there's been more murders occurring lately with all this drug violence going on at the border.  Hide your kids, hide your wife...get the reference?

The Burger Queen (vomits at the thought),

Dina Starr

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Mommy dearest...

Like an old granny, I'm already cranky from not having already slept.  I had the longest day ever with the Norms (my mom) and she wore me out.  We took FOREVER at Bed Bath and Beyond looking for some stupid rugs and she ended up walking out with nothing.  Then at Michael's I can't even remember what we were looking for there but my mom was acting OK until we went to Lowe's. 

God, the Lucky Charms dude, and the Keebler's elves know how much I loathe that stupid place.  I kid you not, my mom and I spent at least an hour outside in their garden section looking for these random flowers that my mom couldn't even remember the names of. Then, after having to load all the little pots into the cart, she decides she doesn't want them.  WTF.  It apparently was my fault that she ended up not buying them because I always discourage her with my indifference.  This time, I actually was encouraging her and trying to make her buy them so that we wouldn't waste more time debating whether heathers would go with those other crappy yellow flowers that she wanted to buy.  They were actually very pretty but that's besides the point.

We then made a stop at Kohl's where she continued on her hunt for bedroom rugs.  She was so picky about color that anything even slightly off the shade she wanted was simply wrong to her.  We argued about how we should never go shopping together (the usual...we always shop together anyway) and then I went home to spend an insane amount of time looking for scholarships on the computer.  I was at first somewhat happy to be finding all these great scholarship opportunities until I remembered that the scholarships can only cover the cost of my required student contribution and after it exceeds that amount the rest of the money I receive from outside sources will be used in place of my Harvard

At around 9:00 p.m. I went to my grandma's house, called her dog by its wrong name (I always knew that his name was Peewee but for some reason I was calling him Bruno), watched some news on Univision, watched Sabado Gigante, and went home still full from the oatmeal I had eaten at 5 o'clock.

I want to sleep but I have to wait till Toshi gets home so that I can call him...he should just talk to himself before he takes a nap because I'm probably gonna be an asshole and get frustrated while we're talking since all I'm going to be thinking about is sleep.  Nah, I need to stop being so mean to people who tolerate my tantrums.  Besides, I actually kinda want to talk on the phone for a while now.  Just a while...until my eyes close and my inner Godzilla takes over.

Kind heartedly *insert evil cackle*,

Dina Starr

Friday, May 13, 2011

Glad to be back...but a bit emo?

For two days, Blogger was doing some maintenance which prevented me from posting my blogs.  But now I'm back and covered in make up...yup I had my mariachi concert today.  I probably have about a pound of eyeshadow on and feel extremely unnatrual but alot of people actually liked it and in a sense, I do as well, but that's only because it's fun to change up looks.  The mariachi performance went well and afterwards I went to El Patio to eat cheese enchiladas with rice and beans because I was super hungry!

Today was also the day that two scholarships were due and I somehow managed to complete them on time.  I, of course, wrote an essay for one of them during school a few hours before it was due.  After I typed the last line of the essay, I teared up.  No, the tears didn't come from the happiness I felt after completing the application, rather it came from the content I wrote.  I'm finally realizing how much happier yet more difficult these past four years have been than I initially though.  It's ending and I'm a tad disappointed that I don't feel as relieved as I thought I would.   I guess it's just a part of my character; I think too much.

I feel that throughout high school I isolated myself from people and did not spend enough time enjoying life.  This is actually a little ironic considering that alot of people know me as being a huge extrovert but my situation is almost paradoxical;  my physical being is the extrovert while my mind is confined in its own prison.  I know that now is not the time to try to feel bad about all the petty yet fun memories that I missed out on making during high school but I can't shake this feeling of unsatisfaction. 

This is just a temporary state, I know.  People often think that I am always positive and that nothing fazes me.  Their sentiments may be right in some cases but I am human, too.  Some things really gnaw at my bones till I feel so much regret and resentment towards myself.  Sometimes, though, I don't even feel...human. 

Tomorrow will be better, it always is,

Dina Starr

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

PiƱata stenches and the allergy soliloquy.

By the end of the day, my neurons have been stripped to shreds like string cheese and I am dead as a duck (Chicago reference anyone?).  Now that I have mentioned cheese, I would like to share the story of how I nearly lost my sense of smell after having to endure the RANKNESS of what my last class offered us today.

As mentioned, by the time I'm in my last class, Spanish, I usually am on dormant mode.  Yeah, I take a language I was born fluent in but it's a class for Spanish speakers.  So NO...I'm not that much of a slacker...I just didn't wanna take French which does not interest me at all and is the only other foreign language option at school.  Anyhow, unlike most days, today I was rudely awaken by this PUNGENT DEADLY STENCH!!

I walk into the class and am silenced by this smell resembling that of a mixture of vomit, perfume (probably sprayed to mask the stench), rotten cheese, and pig excretions.  I looked around the room wondering if anyone else had picked up on the strange odor and I must've had a really disgusted look on my face because one of the girls in my class laughed and pointed at the board which read:

"Huele Feo" - Spanish for "It smells ugly"

As each person walked into the classroom, they complained and made gagging noises while the rest of us who had already been inside for a few minutes covered our noses with our shirts.  I swear I had not smelled such nastiness since we disected that icky preserved pig fetus in biology.  What on earth had died, been revived, and died yet again in our classroom?!

My Spanish teacher's English speaking class had been making piƱatas to learn about Mexican culture (here's a wikipedia link for those of you who are not familiar with what I am talking about so they were pasting the newspaper onto the balloons today with the flour and water paste.  Unfortunately, my teacher had left the mixture contained for a few days (I believe) and it began to ROT.  Not wanting to slow her class' piƱata-making process, she ignored the smell and implored her students to use it anyway.  Since we continued to gripe about the smell, she allowed us to step outside and take the wet balloons with us so that they could dry in the toasty (more like firey) Texas heat.  Thankfully, it was a windy day but there were a few instances that I caught a whiff of the stench and I wanted to puke.

Strangely, the rotten paste incident made the class a little exciting today since I didn't stay in my desk for the whole 90 minutes (my teacher is a stickler so you don't do much moving around in there). 
Oh, I forgot to post this the last time I was complaining about Hamlet.  We were suppose to write our own parody of the "To be or not to be"  soliloquy so I will conclude this entry with it is:

The Allergy Soliloquy

To sneeze, or not to sneeze? That is the question
Whether 'tis acceptable at the dinner table to emit
The gross and icky germs of a cold,
Or to instead preserve our good manners before the guests
And by holding the sneeze, create sinus pressure? To sneeze
To release,-no more- and by a sneeze to say we diminish
The watery eyes and the power of the metaphorical feathers
That tickle our noses-'tis a concept that welcomes
A sigh of relief!  To sneeze, to release.
To release, perchance to breathe once more- ay, there's the key
For in that the release of little histamine agitators,
When we take our subsequent whiff of fresh air,
We must pause.  There's the sea of onlookers
That is silenced in disgust at one's failure to cover one's mouth.

Foxtrot uniform Charlie kilo,
(YouTube the statement above)

Dina Starr

Monday, May 9, 2011

I had almost forgotten what sleep deprivation felt like.

Last night I sadly couldn't blog because I spent all day, night and a portion of today (I stayed up till about 3:00 a.m.) working on my Hamlet homework and memorizing his extremely boring and overdone soliloquy.  After taking another irksome test, my day went down hill from there.

I swear I was seeing double by the time lunch time came around.  Elizabeth was taking the AP Physics exam today so at lunch I sat alone.  Yeah, call me a loser.  I never bothered to sit with anyone else during lunch so that's what happens.  In the past, I would feel extremely embarrassed to be sitting alone but now if I do it, I go unfazed because chances are that no one even really noticed and though SOME people make think so, the world doesn't revolve around ourselves.  Besides, I couldn't care less now if someone thought I had no friends.

After my uneventful lunch, I layed down on a bench in front of the school and felt the deadly radiation of the was quite nice.  When I entered fourth block, I got this massive headache that made me want to puke.  It was persistent in making me feel like I was getting cranial cramps...and I'm almost certain that there is no medical symptom that is called "cranial cramps".  I think there ought to be since that is essentially what headaches are.

This evening, at the Super Acheivers Banquet (Top 10 Banquet), I was suppose to say a speech and was completely unprepared in that I had not given one single thought to what I planned on saying.  See, I usually do this because 1)  I'm lazy and 2) I don't like having to read speeches because then it doesn't have the same effect as when you are saying it off the top of your head while keeping your eyes on the audience.

So when they called my name up to the podium, I was eating the dessert (a chocolate cake that is not faring well with my digestive system at the moment) and I automatically could not swallow the piece I had put into my mouth because I really was that nervous.  When I began saying my speech though, the words kinda started to spew word vomit only not at all like the word vomit incidents described in Mean Girls.

I was pleased with the outcome of tonight and seeing everyone in the top 10 together all looking prettyful.
The only crappy thing is that my head still hurts and the chocolate syrup from the cake I ate is probably gonna give me a bad case of the runs.  Sorry if that's TMI (too much information for you acronym illiterate hobbits) but if it is, you should really get with the program...YES...having a working digestive system is NORMAL.

Tonight, I'm hoping for some better sleep than that of yesterday so that means less FB group postings.  Maybe I'll sleep right after I post this...

Dina Starr

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Harry Potter translated into, I'm not shitting you.

While having a lovely conversation with Odessa, we began to discuss languages.  She, self-taught in portuguese and I, as a self-taught in Latin, conversed about several aspects of the languages and I mentioned that I wanted more practice reading long passages.  Of course, I could resort to trying to decode The Metamorphoses or The Aeneid on my own but I simply won't because I'm pretty much not that good. 
She then had a brilliant suggestion: Why not try reading Harry Potter in Latin?

I at first thought that it would be amazing if there was a Latin translation out there but I thought it would be nearly impossible to locate such a version as it, as I originally imagined, probably didn't exist.

When Odessa suddenly stopped messaging me on FB (that meanie...nah...I know your mom is probably getting after you for acting like a burro sin mecate lol joking) I got on my laptop, entered the Amazon website and typed in "Harry Potter Latin" in the search box. 

To my surprise, I actually found some of the Harry Potter LATIN! Even more surprising, I stumbled upon an Ancient Greek version..Harry Potter in Classical languages...imagine that! 
So for you Harry Potter and Classics lovers out there, get your copy.

Other than that, I stayed at home all day reading and doing work for Hamlet so I'm a bit on zombie mode right now.  I have to continue with that shit so I'm gonna skip on out from this beastily laptop and set my mind to some extensively shitty homework. While I do that, I get to smell the rancidity that is boiled mom is making potato salad...ew.

It's 11:11,

Dina Starr

Friday, May 6, 2011

So I didn't go to prom today...whoopppppdeeeeedooooooo.

Everyone tried to convince me to go to prom cause they thought I'd regret it since it's my senior year.  I, as stubborn as I am, persisted as a member of the anti-prom mass, complaining about the ridiculous entrance price ($80...who the hell do they think I am...Bill Gates?), the cost of the dress, and the opportunity cost involving a trade off of going to prom while wasting valuable time that can be spent more productively on activities like studying from my Cambridge Latin textbooks and hanging out at the convention center...watching the people who went to prom taking pictures...and noticing the random couple parked in the lot doing who knows what...

Alright, perhaps I shouldn't have been cheap.  But when you're living off your parents and you have already put them through enough financial hardship with all your education, leisure, and fashion shenanigans, I think it's only fair that you refrain from figuratively putting their money in the shredder as you laugh your way to some sketchy prom after party that you probably shouldn't be at. 

Something I noticed about the people that go to prom is that they only can be classified into two groups:  people who are dating and girls who had no dates so they showed up with the rest of their girlfriends.  So if you're a girl like me who looks for relationships that are complicated and you don't wanna be one of those girls (exluding lesbians and bi girls in homosexual relationships) that uses their girlfriends as their "dates" then guess what?  You're SOL buddy...SHIT OUTTA LUCK.

I'm not an antisocial person.  I just am simply anti...yes, plain ol' "anti".  It seems that the more people overhype things, the more I want to be sure that I have nothing to do with that pop culture movement.  No, I'm also not some crazed hipster who is an all around...oh what's the word....EXTREMIST...but I just get so easily annoyed by people pouring their hearts and souls into trivial matters.  Yeah sure, this blog is pretty freaking trivial too...but you don't see me saying that my best part of the day is the time when I write a new entry...that would actually be hilariously pathetic.

In the end though, no matter how much we debate it, humans can never know the true reason of their existence.  People always try to explain it with religion which is fine but religion is based on faith alone and we therefore don't know the true motive of our creator...whoever he/she/it may be.  To get to the heart of this mini paragraph, life is essentially a bucket list full of frivoulous activities.  We just need to find which infinetismal things actually move us and feed our souls. 

Tonight, it's pretty obvious that prom wasn't one of those "frivolous" events that made my peculiar little soul catch fire.

Inwardly reflecting,

Dina Starr

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Starrs and guitars.

Since I was about 9 years old, I have played the guitar.  Believe me, I fought tooth and nail with my parents about this, complaining about how I rather would've learned to play piano.  I evidently lost the battle and was forced to take guitar lessons.  Even after being a pain in the ass to my guitar teacher, Frank, when I was 13 I stopped taking lessons and began to appreciate the instrument and its usefulness.

Every holiday gathering and opportunity I got to perform in front of people, my parents would beg me to pick up my guitar to play and sing some music.  With much resistance though being guilted into appeasing them, I would perform a few songs while I died slowly due to the intense embarrassment.

I've never been the type of person who enjoys being put on the spot (who is anyway?) but there was something I really liked about my guitar:  improvisational songwriting.
In middle school, I enjoyed taking my guitar to perform songs I made up at the top of my head.   The songs were never serious and consisted of cheesy lyrics that either mocked certain people, ideas that I deemed laughable, or were my own parodies of current popular songs.  I'm sure some found me obnoxious but I couldn't give a shit when most were amused with what I had to say. 

More than anything, though, I just love real performance.  Once high school came along, there was not really room for me and my guitar and it actually was (to hyperbolize the situation) a bit tragic.  This is the first year our school has a formal mariachi class but in all honesty, we have really not performed much and there is more left to be desired.  Tomorrow, we are going to have a performance for cinco de mayo and I'm actually pretty glad about it but it really isn't that big of a deal. 

In the past, people knew who I was because of music.  Now, only a few people know I play guitar and most are surprised to hear I sing, too.  Sometimes I feel like I have been put on mute.  Someone give me a goddamn microphone, a venue, and lets tear the place apart.

Looking for my voice,

Dina Starr

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Being idle and the discomfort of others pointing it out to you.

I took the Spanish AP exam today and it was probably the easiest exam I will ever take, especially considering this is the last AP year.  I don't even care about my scores though because it's not like I'm gonna try for advanced standing or anything.  As a result of school wrapping up and the stagnant state of school activities, I have found myself being a little less productive than I would like to be.  It also appears that my mom is not at all pleased with my idleness either. 

I can't remember exactly what she told me but she said something to this effect but in Spanish:
"Why are you doing nothing?  It's like you're at a standstill."


Ok, so first you complain that I'm always doing homework and then you get after me when I finally have the chance to lay around like a slob?  Not cool, Normies, not cool.

By the way, I usually (but not always) call my mom by her first name (which is Norma) but I normally call her Normies...I like the way that sounds...normally Normies.  That's besides the point.  My point is that after she said this I felt like a lifeless loser.  Fine, I don't have a life...but I AM NOT a loser! Hmmmm...

Kidding.  Really though, her comment really got me fired up and made me want to get to work on something.  Although she's my mother, that comment actually struck a chord (maybe like an Em7) in my semi-dormant brain because I don't like feeling like I'm wasting my time, which was what I was essentially doing today.

With her honest yet offensive comment (I'm being somewhat facetious with the usage of the latter word) I by some strange invocation of the Tejano music gods, decided I wanted to listen to Selena's song "El Chico de; Apartamento 512".  I probably have already listened to it about 5 times already and I'm still loving every bit of it. 

I'm hoping for a better day tomorrow.  A day in which I get my act together, get off my ass (the poor thing will probably be deathly sore from being sat on if I continue with this sedentary trend) and do something valuable with my time. 

The mariachi/folklorico concert is in a few days so I'm excited about that...ok, Dina, focus!  If my mom were reading this right now, she would probably tell me I'm absolutely hopeless.  Thank God for Norms.  God bless her soul, mine, and the rest of yall's, you pathetic lazy seniors!

Chuckling deviously,
Dina Starr

Monday, May 2, 2011

Rice and beans are not enough.

This may be the first time some of you all hear that I'm a vegetarian.  No, not a VEGAN...I actually consume dairy products.  I don't want to explain the reasons behind making this decision at this moment but, besides ethics being a motivation,  it was also a  promise I made to God so that he could cure me from this seemingly inescapable ailment.  You will probably hear about the rest of this explanation at a later date.  For now, I would like to discuss the difficulty of being a vegetarian in such a carnivorous world.

Although I became a vegetarian quite some time ago, yes there are still times when I think those fajita tacos sitting on your plate at Taco Palenque look pretty damn good.  I used to be a terrible glutton, eating any food that found itself in my space and as a result, I was a complete fatty.  That is not to say I have a perfect body now.  From time to time, when I become my old unhealthy self again and begin to eat too much pan dulce and flour tortillas, I find myself feeling guilty as I struggle to fit my monster thighs into my jeans.  Before, I used to be ashamed of my imperfect body, but now I embrace it because its my own and no matter what, (although what I'm about to say may sound a bit sappy) our souls were BLESSED with the bodies they find refuge in, not cursed.  Even if you are overweight or sickly thin and you try relentlessly to stabalize your body weight to no avail, you must remember that dieting doesn't take genetics into account and that may well be kicking you in the butt.  With that said, even though I have had weight issues all my life, becoming a vegetarian really did improve my body shape and improve my self-image.

I never liked talking about my weight loss because I was embarrassed with how overweight I once was but I now could care less because the person who I was before has undergone an immense transformation.
During the summer of what I remember to be my sophomore year, I lost 30 pounds from my change in diet and biking for at least 3 miles almost daily.  This change in my life wasn't incited by the desire to lose weight. However, in the end I became a more healthy person and people noticed a change in my disposition.

I don't ever regret becoming a vegetarian until times like these when it is nearly 11:00 p.m. and I am starving but the only thing there is to eat is barbeque meat!  Like many other days out of each week, today I ate rice and beans but it was at around 5:00 that I ate so now I can hardly keep my stomach from wailing out its hunger cries...roar!!!!!!  Someone, please feed me before I eat my guitar...mahogany wood is looking pretty delicious right now *drool falls to the floor*.

But really, as I sit here typing this and eating this measley apple, (please fiber, don't make me go to the restroom and make me more hungry after you clean out my stomach and its contents are excreted from my intestines!) I am trying to imagine how anorexic people can voluntarily starve themselves.  I guess the only option for me now is...more rice! I'll have rice spewing out of my eyes by the morning.

A hungry DINosaur,

Dina Starr

Sunday, May 1, 2011

The BLOODY truth...screw you, period.

I don't care if some of you all find this gross but I really feel it necessary to make today's blog about periods...yes, menstrual cycles.   Thanks to my buddy Odessa Reyes (you Harvard 2015ers should have her added) I was inspired to dedicate this entry to mother nature's important bloody cause. After skipping my period last month, being worried that I would become irregular, and getting it late this month, I feel that it returned in full swing but this time it is extra BITCHY.  After talking to Toshi last night and sleeping at around 12:30 a.m, an attack of MONSTOROUS pains woke me right up at 2:30 a.m.... 2 flippin' 30! -___-
I got out of bed with static vision and the intense urge to vomit my guts out.

 I knew this would be one of those situations when Midol would mock my pathetic state of being and let these beastily prostaglandins eat through my organs.  Sure enough, I was right.  One hour gone and two Midol capsules later, I was still feeling like I was being murdered.  I got out of bed once more to put on an extra layer of clothes.  Inside my closet awaited my special pair of pajama bottoms...this is actually the only pair of pajama pants I own since I hate wearing alot of clothes at night (no, I don't sleep naked...I wear shorts instead).  I slipped on my "period wear" and quickly threw myself onto the bed like fucking Shamu throws himself into the water at Sea World. 

When you have period pain as bad as mine, it feels as though you can put on a parka, 6 pairs of socks, cover youself with heavy winter blankets and still feel like you're whithering away in your own personal Antartica even though your room's temperature is only 75 degrees F.  It wasn't until after I listened to about 8 songs on various Pandora stations and 6 different a capella renditions of  Green Day's "21 Guns" (symbolic of my period's triumph over me, no doubt) that I decided to message Toshi. 

Some of you guys who don't know what role this Toshi person plays in my life may be a little confused when I mention him.  Believe me, after I mention him on several more of my blogs, you will probably know him better than he knows himself.  At any rate, I was pretty happy since Japan is obviously awake when the United States is sleeping. 

I messaged him and he responded quickly with a message that resembled a very euphemistic "WTF".  He naturally wanted to know why I was awake.  Like every month, I began my seemingly incessant whining.
Once it was already 6:00 a.m, I was too tired to give a damn about the pain and I, at that point, finally let Toshi get back to work.  I slept till 10 only to be awaken once more by dear ol' imaginary Jack the Ripper who was sticking blades into my uterus...oh could I forget that it is called a menstrual cycle.

Needless to say, I've felt pretty useless today since all I did was eat, take medicine, whine, and sleep.  Guys don't know how easy they have the period-free life and not having to feel like they're going to pass out from the pain every month.  I would say that I'd rather be a guy but nah...I don't want pieces of skin hanging between my legs. 

Now this new symptom has attacked...I feel like my stomach acid is eating away at my stomach lining...good grief, where are my parents with the rice and beans?!  Periods, periods, oh drippily painful periods, I will donate you to some non-pregnant girl who has not felt the bloodiness for months. 

Dying on my freezing tile floor,

Dina Star

Friday, April 29, 2011

Elizabeth's good choice and disgusting bras.

Finally, after having spent all month trying to arrive at a decision, Elizabeth finally made her choice:





I pretty much died from happiness and was immediately resurrected when she called me and informed me of her decision.  I am absolutely excited that she will be flying to the same destination with me this fall!

I went to Red Mango today with my Odyssey of the Mind team...minus Sang and Irene since they had different agendas.  I ate the dark chocolate yogurt which was good for a while but kinda bitter that it tasted somewhat like raisins.  Then me, Brittany, and Ale went to Chic-fil-a to get these free waffle fries and a brownie with these two coupons that I had.  I know that the coupons were meant to bring people in to buy more things while they get free items with the coupons but I'm one of those people that doesn't care to walk in and only redeem coupons without buying anything...maybe that makes me indecent but it doesn't matter...FREE STUFF!

Anyway, then we decided to go to Target and try on clothes.  We saw these RIDICULOUSLY padded bras and decided to try them on because we were curious to see what it looked and felt like to have basketball tits...that's an exaggeration obviously.  Omg, never again will I touch one of those HIDEOUS things.  Our boobs looked pointy like cones....FUCKING CONES! 
A word of advice to girls with tiny boobs:  Don't waste your money buying that's just false advertisement and your better off getting surgery, getting use to what your genes gave you, or stuffing your bra with toilet paper or bubble wrap. 

I could go on about super padded bras but I've got poor Toshi waiting for me on the phone while I ignore him typing away.  The point is...yay Elizabeth for chosing Harvard and BEWARE OF THE SUPER PADDED BRA POINTY TITS AFFECT!

Mildly amused,

Dina Starr

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Confused friends and perverted dudes.

This past morning, at 9:00 a.m. , I went to eat breakfast at IHOP with my sister Denice and friends, Elizabeth and Danny.  Topic at today's breakfast table:  college decisions.  After weeks of continuous deliberation, both are still quite confused as to which college they want to attend.  Elizabeth, deciding between Harvard and Princeton, apparently can't make up her mind but I think that she really DOES know but is just trying to make the process more difficult and stressful for herself.  If you're reading this, Elizabeth, I am joking!  I decided that my attempts to try to influence your decision are futile and only you can know what's best for you.  I know you'll make the right decision, whatever it may be.  As for Danny, he is still deciding between Rice and UPenn...he was apparently suppose to make a decision by the afternoon but I for some reason doubt that happened.  I'm gonna be excited when both of them make up their freakishly indecisive minds!

During mariachi, since our directors Hernandez and Marroquin weren't present, I spent a good amount of time playing my guitar and singing random pop songs that came to my head.  Then, when someone began to jam out to "Billionaire"  I immediately had to join in and sing the first verse and chorus obnoxiously since those were the only parts I knew and the rest I just filled in by saying "watermelon" a billion times.  I'm just joking about the "watermelon" part but apparently it's a word that works to sing when you don't know the lyrics of a song.  I highly disagree that its a good alternative to actually learning the lyrics.  So then this one guy in marachi (I will not be naming him for his own sake) asked me to go outside the class to practice singing the song and playing it on the guitar with him.  Everything was going fine until he HAD to ask "Can I tell you something?"  "Sure" I agreed.  I was thinking that he was going to tell me something about one of the girls in dance (the dance room is right next door to the mariachi room) because there was this sketchy looking girl that had walked by us at the time that he asked. 

"You have a really big ass.  I like it...I can't stop looking at it"

I stayed silent while I was mentally vomiting at the fact that this PIG who normally would criticize me and take my guitar to piss me off was telling me this so nonchalantly. 

"Can you keep your comments to yourself?  That was kinda disrespectful" I uttered in disgust.

"Its a compliment.  You should be happy.  I bet alot of guys tell you that."

Yes, you're right, I thought to myself...and those guys were pieces of crap like you.  The only difference is that I think you're probably the most trashy one.

"You're making me feel uncomfortable...can you stop looking at me with those sickening eyes?" I  told him this while he stared with his hungry little perverted eyes.

"You also have big t..."

That's it, buddy.  You can get your "chinchin"  (thank you, Toshi, for teaching me this word) happy by fantasizing about another pair of a#$ and t*%$ cause I'm out.  So I left him and his probably already mini boner without saying a word.


This is directed to the disrespectful guys out there:
I hope your penises shrivel up and get eaten by your dogs!

Particularly irked,

Dina Starr

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

I am obsessed with Crazy Yogurt.

Ever since the first time I ate frozen yogurt at a Froyo in St. Louis, I was immediately hooked!  I loved loved loved the mango deliciousness (that was the flavor I had served myself) and the billions of fruit toppings that I gladly consumed for the beautifully ridiculous amount of 7 dollars.  Frozen yogurt can get expensive...its sad when people are decieved into thinking that 37 cents an ounce is a good deal until they fill their cups with about 2.3 tons of yogurt and 10 ounces of toppings.  I suppose I was one of those people the first time I ate it except the only difference was that I knew it would be expensive...I just had a bad perception of how much an ounce is?  Who know, really.

So I believe it was at the beginning of this school year that a Crazy Yogurt opened up at Palms Crossing and I have since become one of their biggest fans which isn't anything to be particularly happy about since it's depleting my monetary sources....not like there was much to be depleted to begin with.  I started off with the coffee flavor and adding a bunch of chocolatey toppings, including chunks of moist yet oh so tasteless brownies.  After realizing this, I decided that if I was going to be wasting my money on frozen yogurt, I may as well add better toppings.  So I upgraded to almonds by recommendation of a friend who gave me an explanation of why it would be the best choice topping but I couldn't be bothered to explain it right now.

Then, after visiting Yumi Yogurt and eating the chocolate flavored yogurt there, I decided to stop buying the coffee one that had already become a little boring to me from eating it so much. 

Today, for probably the BILLIONTH time this month, I went to Crazy Yogurt.  I said "What's up?"  to the Asian dude who seems to work there so much that he lives there (he sees me all the time and probably thinks I'm a fatass for eating there so often) and served some AMAZING chocolate yogurt.  Knowing that I only had 4 bucks today (yes, I have no money) I tried to make sure I didn't overdo it.  Nervous that I would not have enough money, I scooped out some of the yogurt with my hands and put it on the tin thing below the dispenser.  I felt a little bad that I left a string of yogurt (which actually kinda looked like crap due to the length and color) but it IS the guy's job to clean up the messes that inconsiderate customers like me make, right? Just joking, I didn't mean to be inconsiderate or make a mess, but I didn't want the freaking yogurt to go over 4 bucks!!

Then, when I was paying for the yogurt (which came out to be only $3.17) some of the dollars fell into the spoon tray.  I looked up at the worker and guiltily muttered "oops, I'm so sorry".  Trying to act like the situation was no big deal (I'm sure he was dying to call me a clumsy *&#$%), he replied happily "It's ok, don't worry about it".

 "Yeah, you're right, I probably shouldn't" I laughed.  "The people who are gonna use these spoons will live"

I'll likely be going back this weekend with my OM team.  Maybe by that time someone else will drop their money in the spoon tray and I'll get sick as a result of some disease-ridden currency.  If this happens, you guys will know why.

Pensively and prophetically,

Dina Starr

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

So maybe I need to pay more attention?

Today was the start of TAKS testing (the state exam administered in Texas) and seniors, since they are exempt from taking it unless they did not pass during their junior year, are instructed to get to school at 12:05 p.m. as a result.  However, since our AP Macroeconomics teacher decided it would be a good idea to give us a GROUP take home test to do during this week, each group was FORCED to give him a specific time and date for when each group would get together to complete it.  Why would he do this?  Simple.  He wants to avoid giving lazy people the opportunity to take answers from others who have completed the assignment so he asks, while we are at the specified time and date, that we call him to let him know that we are there.  Sure, it would be easy to pretend to be there by calling from your own cell phone but he specifically stated that we MUST all talk to him through the same phone.  As annoying as it is that he assigned this nonsense, this bit of information is only a little background that leads to the true purpose of today's blog.

A member of my group decided the time and place:
10:00 a.m.  

After announcing this to the teacher and telling another person to text the missing group member about our planned meeting, he went on to talk about secretly getting people with work block from all the groups together for the sole purpose of completing the test.  I have no idea what he thought doing this would accomplish since, in my opinion, the test can be done with your own assigned group and it's not necessary to branch out into the other groups. 

However, this morning, I woke up, hastily got dressed, and went to Denny's.  I waited PATHETICALLY till 10:30 when I finally decided it may be that both of my team members weren't going to show up.  The guy in my team who had arranged this did not text me once and I would've taken the initiative to text him if I had gotten his number.  But NOOOOOOO, I had to be lazy by not inputing his number on my phone and simply *hoping* he would text me in the morning about our plans. 

Eh, who cares, I thought to myself.  I'll just eat alone.  I felt a bit ashamed when I told the hostess that it would only be me but  I sat down, ordered water, and felt like a loser sitting alone in the booth. Right when I was about to order, I decided I couldn't take the solitude.  Happily, I phoned my sister Denice to come and eat with me.  I figured she would be hungry and since she had no money today, I could pay for her meal because my mom had given me 20 dollars.  After she arrived, I felt a sense of relief to see her and to have company at my table.  We ate, talked about my sister's own personal he-who-must-not-be-named, watched trailers for Insidious (a movie I'm certainly not interested in seeing as I don't enjoy watching horror movies), and soon after left.

When I got to school, I saw the guy from my group and said to him "WHERE in the WORLD were you?  You never showed up or even texted me." 

His response:  "Oh, you went? I thought we had agreed that the little meeting was just a set up so that Mr. Macroeconomics would think we were working on the test".

My thoughts/response:  What????! I said to myself.  Why would this fool even think that would be a good way to decieve the teacher...our teacher stated that we MUST call him when we are working on the test which was obviously not done.  The test isn't going to complete itself, ya know.

"OMG...I have no memory of such agreement...thanks for making me look like a fool."
I was only being facetious.  Ultimately, I wasn't at all bothered by his failure to arrive even though I was supposedly already aware that the meeting was not going to happen.

His response:  "I'm so sorry! "

My internal unspoken response:  You're a dolt.  I think I'm gonna do the test on my own without any of this little team work nonsense since it just causes more problems.

My vocalized response:  Don't worry about it. 

My sarcastic unspoken comment:  I enjoyed gaining more weight with the fries I ate at Denny's anyhow.

Perhaps I should pay more attention, especially in that class where I have twice before walked into class totally unaware that we had an exam. 

The school year is almost over anyhow.  Its currently 9:04 p.m. in Mission, TX.  With the sound of airplanes passing over my house as I type this and my brother's voice echoing throughout the house as he plays with some game obsessed people on Xbox Live, I can't say my mind is at ease but today deffinately wasn't a bad day. 

For now, I will anticipate tomorrow's events as this day has pretty much come to a close.

Calmly and somewhat collectively,

Dina Starr

Monday, April 25, 2011

A Humble Commencement


I'm Dina Starr if you didn't already know that by now and I am embarking on a *hopefully* daily blog to record my thoughts, share daily occurences, and to simply yap about frivolous randomosities.  I grew tired of writing in a notebook since the days I was in love with the Spice Girls so I said hey, what the heck, why not go online?  So here I am, getting ready to pour my soul out on this blog while I listen to The Cramps...ok I probably won't necessarily be pouring my heart out on here but it's a possibility since, for those of you who know me well or who have had a decent conversation with me, I like to talk about my personal life from time to time (even though it's not THAT interesting and I'm sure I probably sound like Ms. Meyers).  For those of you who are not from Sharyland, she is a freshman English teacher and UIL Journalism coach who I admire but others criticize because she has ALOT to say but, according to some, she sounds like the teacher from Charlie Brown.  Just a little sidenote, the phrase "from time to time" may be a bit of an understatement.  Anywho, at this point in time, I have the liberty of being online and having fun reading and sleeping in this dismal, stark room so I promise this blog will get fired up with time.  For now, off I go to play my guitar.  I have, for some odd reason, lately been thinking about that one Jewel song called "Standing Still" so I think I'm gonna go look for the tab for it and play it to myself and the sea of imaginary spectators in my room.

Viciously and maliciously,

Dina Starr