Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Being idle and the discomfort of others pointing it out to you.

I took the Spanish AP exam today and it was probably the easiest exam I will ever take, especially considering this is the last AP year.  I don't even care about my scores though because it's not like I'm gonna try for advanced standing or anything.  As a result of school wrapping up and the stagnant state of school activities, I have found myself being a little less productive than I would like to be.  It also appears that my mom is not at all pleased with my idleness either. 

I can't remember exactly what she told me but she said something to this effect but in Spanish:
"Why are you doing nothing?  It's like you're at a standstill."


Ok, so first you complain that I'm always doing homework and then you get after me when I finally have the chance to lay around like a slob?  Not cool, Normies, not cool.

By the way, I usually (but not always) call my mom by her first name (which is Norma) but I normally call her Normies...I like the way that sounds...normally Normies.  That's besides the point.  My point is that after she said this I felt like a lifeless loser.  Fine, I don't have a life...but I AM NOT a loser! Hmmmm...

Kidding.  Really though, her comment really got me fired up and made me want to get to work on something.  Although she's my mother, that comment actually struck a chord (maybe like an Em7) in my semi-dormant brain because I don't like feeling like I'm wasting my time, which was what I was essentially doing today.

With her honest yet offensive comment (I'm being somewhat facetious with the usage of the latter word) I by some strange invocation of the Tejano music gods, decided I wanted to listen to Selena's song "El Chico de; Apartamento 512".  I probably have already listened to it about 5 times already and I'm still loving every bit of it. 

I'm hoping for a better day tomorrow.  A day in which I get my act together, get off my ass (the poor thing will probably be deathly sore from being sat on if I continue with this sedentary trend) and do something valuable with my time. 

The mariachi/folklorico concert is in a few days so I'm excited about that...ok, Dina, focus!  If my mom were reading this right now, she would probably tell me I'm absolutely hopeless.  Thank God for Norms.  God bless her soul, mine, and the rest of yall's, you pathetic lazy seniors!

Chuckling deviously,
Dina Starr

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