Friday, May 6, 2011

So I didn't go to prom today...whoopppppdeeeeedooooooo.

Everyone tried to convince me to go to prom cause they thought I'd regret it since it's my senior year.  I, as stubborn as I am, persisted as a member of the anti-prom mass, complaining about the ridiculous entrance price ($80...who the hell do they think I am...Bill Gates?), the cost of the dress, and the opportunity cost involving a trade off of going to prom while wasting valuable time that can be spent more productively on activities like studying from my Cambridge Latin textbooks and hanging out at the convention center...watching the people who went to prom taking pictures...and noticing the random couple parked in the lot doing who knows what...

Alright, perhaps I shouldn't have been cheap.  But when you're living off your parents and you have already put them through enough financial hardship with all your education, leisure, and fashion shenanigans, I think it's only fair that you refrain from figuratively putting their money in the shredder as you laugh your way to some sketchy prom after party that you probably shouldn't be at. 

Something I noticed about the people that go to prom is that they only can be classified into two groups:  people who are dating and girls who had no dates so they showed up with the rest of their girlfriends.  So if you're a girl like me who looks for relationships that are complicated and you don't wanna be one of those girls (exluding lesbians and bi girls in homosexual relationships) that uses their girlfriends as their "dates" then guess what?  You're SOL buddy...SHIT OUTTA LUCK.

I'm not an antisocial person.  I just am simply anti...yes, plain ol' "anti".  It seems that the more people overhype things, the more I want to be sure that I have nothing to do with that pop culture movement.  No, I'm also not some crazed hipster who is an all around...oh what's the word....EXTREMIST...but I just get so easily annoyed by people pouring their hearts and souls into trivial matters.  Yeah sure, this blog is pretty freaking trivial too...but you don't see me saying that my best part of the day is the time when I write a new entry...that would actually be hilariously pathetic.

In the end though, no matter how much we debate it, humans can never know the true reason of their existence.  People always try to explain it with religion which is fine but religion is based on faith alone and we therefore don't know the true motive of our creator...whoever he/she/it may be.  To get to the heart of this mini paragraph, life is essentially a bucket list full of frivoulous activities.  We just need to find which infinetismal things actually move us and feed our souls. 

Tonight, it's pretty obvious that prom wasn't one of those "frivolous" events that made my peculiar little soul catch fire.

Inwardly reflecting,

Dina Starr

1 comment:

  1. perhaps the need to find a job near you maybe somewhere in the mall or churches:P
