Monday, May 2, 2011

Rice and beans are not enough.

This may be the first time some of you all hear that I'm a vegetarian.  No, not a VEGAN...I actually consume dairy products.  I don't want to explain the reasons behind making this decision at this moment but, besides ethics being a motivation,  it was also a  promise I made to God so that he could cure me from this seemingly inescapable ailment.  You will probably hear about the rest of this explanation at a later date.  For now, I would like to discuss the difficulty of being a vegetarian in such a carnivorous world.

Although I became a vegetarian quite some time ago, yes there are still times when I think those fajita tacos sitting on your plate at Taco Palenque look pretty damn good.  I used to be a terrible glutton, eating any food that found itself in my space and as a result, I was a complete fatty.  That is not to say I have a perfect body now.  From time to time, when I become my old unhealthy self again and begin to eat too much pan dulce and flour tortillas, I find myself feeling guilty as I struggle to fit my monster thighs into my jeans.  Before, I used to be ashamed of my imperfect body, but now I embrace it because its my own and no matter what, (although what I'm about to say may sound a bit sappy) our souls were BLESSED with the bodies they find refuge in, not cursed.  Even if you are overweight or sickly thin and you try relentlessly to stabalize your body weight to no avail, you must remember that dieting doesn't take genetics into account and that may well be kicking you in the butt.  With that said, even though I have had weight issues all my life, becoming a vegetarian really did improve my body shape and improve my self-image.

I never liked talking about my weight loss because I was embarrassed with how overweight I once was but I now could care less because the person who I was before has undergone an immense transformation.
During the summer of what I remember to be my sophomore year, I lost 30 pounds from my change in diet and biking for at least 3 miles almost daily.  This change in my life wasn't incited by the desire to lose weight. However, in the end I became a more healthy person and people noticed a change in my disposition.

I don't ever regret becoming a vegetarian until times like these when it is nearly 11:00 p.m. and I am starving but the only thing there is to eat is barbeque meat!  Like many other days out of each week, today I ate rice and beans but it was at around 5:00 that I ate so now I can hardly keep my stomach from wailing out its hunger cries...roar!!!!!!  Someone, please feed me before I eat my guitar...mahogany wood is looking pretty delicious right now *drool falls to the floor*.

But really, as I sit here typing this and eating this measley apple, (please fiber, don't make me go to the restroom and make me more hungry after you clean out my stomach and its contents are excreted from my intestines!) I am trying to imagine how anorexic people can voluntarily starve themselves.  I guess the only option for me now is...more rice! I'll have rice spewing out of my eyes by the morning.

A hungry DINosaur,

Dina Starr

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