Thursday, May 19, 2011

Having no phone, getting dressed practically for nothing, and being too excited about operas.

My mom has always told me I am absent-minded.  She was right for a long time until my sophomore year when I learned to be semi-responsible.  Unfortunately for me, her words were true today when I LOST my cell phone!  I have such a mess in my book bag that there may well be mold growing in there.  I keep papers from first semester sometimes and don't bother to dump all the junk out until the end of the year.  There had been times before that I thought I had lost my phone only to find it hiding under Mt. Spanish Literature but this time, I think it jumped over the mountain range and is now possibly lost somewhere between the prison walls of school.

I had never permanently lost my phone, until today.  Last time, after having looked for it for two weeks to no avail, I found it under Mt. Creaky Bed, hiding in the corner covered by the ends of the bed spread.  This time, I'm almost certain that it's long gone.  Someone must've already picked it up, taken it home, and started making prank phone calls to Indonesia.

This afternoon, a baccalaureate service was held and my mom (like always) put too much thought into what I should wear underneath my gown.  I tried explaining to her that I wasn't going to take off the gown yet she insisted upon buying me ANOTHER dress.  Another dress?  Was she freaking kidding me?!  Stubborn as I am, I refused to put it on and told her to return it because I had another dress to wear.  No one had ever seen me wear the dress and it didn't matter anyhow because it was going to be covered!  When we got there, it took forever for all three high schools to get their students lined up and seated.  The actual service took less time than the preparation.  We were there for what seemed like 2 seconds.  I probably could've shown up with shorts underneath my graduation gown for all anyone cared.

This evening, all I've done is listen to music from operas, especially Natalie Dessay's rendition of "Ombre Legere".  Everytime I hear a coloratura soprano singer perform, I melt.  I remember during my sophomore year I was fixated with the opera entitled "La Fille Du Regiment" and now I think the new music I'm falling in love with is that of the opera "Dinorah".  I don't even know its storyline nor can I truely comprehend the lyrics but the pieces are amazing.

I think I'll listen to Dessay's voice for another two hours.

So enthralled I'm appalled,

Dina Starr

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