Monday, May 9, 2011

I had almost forgotten what sleep deprivation felt like.

Last night I sadly couldn't blog because I spent all day, night and a portion of today (I stayed up till about 3:00 a.m.) working on my Hamlet homework and memorizing his extremely boring and overdone soliloquy.  After taking another irksome test, my day went down hill from there.

I swear I was seeing double by the time lunch time came around.  Elizabeth was taking the AP Physics exam today so at lunch I sat alone.  Yeah, call me a loser.  I never bothered to sit with anyone else during lunch so that's what happens.  In the past, I would feel extremely embarrassed to be sitting alone but now if I do it, I go unfazed because chances are that no one even really noticed and though SOME people make think so, the world doesn't revolve around ourselves.  Besides, I couldn't care less now if someone thought I had no friends.

After my uneventful lunch, I layed down on a bench in front of the school and felt the deadly radiation of the was quite nice.  When I entered fourth block, I got this massive headache that made me want to puke.  It was persistent in making me feel like I was getting cranial cramps...and I'm almost certain that there is no medical symptom that is called "cranial cramps".  I think there ought to be since that is essentially what headaches are.

This evening, at the Super Acheivers Banquet (Top 10 Banquet), I was suppose to say a speech and was completely unprepared in that I had not given one single thought to what I planned on saying.  See, I usually do this because 1)  I'm lazy and 2) I don't like having to read speeches because then it doesn't have the same effect as when you are saying it off the top of your head while keeping your eyes on the audience.

So when they called my name up to the podium, I was eating the dessert (a chocolate cake that is not faring well with my digestive system at the moment) and I automatically could not swallow the piece I had put into my mouth because I really was that nervous.  When I began saying my speech though, the words kinda started to spew word vomit only not at all like the word vomit incidents described in Mean Girls.

I was pleased with the outcome of tonight and seeing everyone in the top 10 together all looking prettyful.
The only crappy thing is that my head still hurts and the chocolate syrup from the cake I ate is probably gonna give me a bad case of the runs.  Sorry if that's TMI (too much information for you acronym illiterate hobbits) but if it is, you should really get with the program...YES...having a working digestive system is NORMAL.

Tonight, I'm hoping for some better sleep than that of yesterday so that means less FB group postings.  Maybe I'll sleep right after I post this...

Dina Starr

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