Wednesday, April 27, 2011

I am obsessed with Crazy Yogurt.

Ever since the first time I ate frozen yogurt at a Froyo in St. Louis, I was immediately hooked!  I loved loved loved the mango deliciousness (that was the flavor I had served myself) and the billions of fruit toppings that I gladly consumed for the beautifully ridiculous amount of 7 dollars.  Frozen yogurt can get expensive...its sad when people are decieved into thinking that 37 cents an ounce is a good deal until they fill their cups with about 2.3 tons of yogurt and 10 ounces of toppings.  I suppose I was one of those people the first time I ate it except the only difference was that I knew it would be expensive...I just had a bad perception of how much an ounce is?  Who know, really.

So I believe it was at the beginning of this school year that a Crazy Yogurt opened up at Palms Crossing and I have since become one of their biggest fans which isn't anything to be particularly happy about since it's depleting my monetary sources....not like there was much to be depleted to begin with.  I started off with the coffee flavor and adding a bunch of chocolatey toppings, including chunks of moist yet oh so tasteless brownies.  After realizing this, I decided that if I was going to be wasting my money on frozen yogurt, I may as well add better toppings.  So I upgraded to almonds by recommendation of a friend who gave me an explanation of why it would be the best choice topping but I couldn't be bothered to explain it right now.

Then, after visiting Yumi Yogurt and eating the chocolate flavored yogurt there, I decided to stop buying the coffee one that had already become a little boring to me from eating it so much. 

Today, for probably the BILLIONTH time this month, I went to Crazy Yogurt.  I said "What's up?"  to the Asian dude who seems to work there so much that he lives there (he sees me all the time and probably thinks I'm a fatass for eating there so often) and served some AMAZING chocolate yogurt.  Knowing that I only had 4 bucks today (yes, I have no money) I tried to make sure I didn't overdo it.  Nervous that I would not have enough money, I scooped out some of the yogurt with my hands and put it on the tin thing below the dispenser.  I felt a little bad that I left a string of yogurt (which actually kinda looked like crap due to the length and color) but it IS the guy's job to clean up the messes that inconsiderate customers like me make, right? Just joking, I didn't mean to be inconsiderate or make a mess, but I didn't want the freaking yogurt to go over 4 bucks!!

Then, when I was paying for the yogurt (which came out to be only $3.17) some of the dollars fell into the spoon tray.  I looked up at the worker and guiltily muttered "oops, I'm so sorry".  Trying to act like the situation was no big deal (I'm sure he was dying to call me a clumsy *&#$%), he replied happily "It's ok, don't worry about it".

 "Yeah, you're right, I probably shouldn't" I laughed.  "The people who are gonna use these spoons will live"

I'll likely be going back this weekend with my OM team.  Maybe by that time someone else will drop their money in the spoon tray and I'll get sick as a result of some disease-ridden currency.  If this happens, you guys will know why.

Pensively and prophetically,

Dina Starr

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