Tuesday, April 26, 2011

So maybe I need to pay more attention?

Today was the start of TAKS testing (the state exam administered in Texas) and seniors, since they are exempt from taking it unless they did not pass during their junior year, are instructed to get to school at 12:05 p.m. as a result.  However, since our AP Macroeconomics teacher decided it would be a good idea to give us a GROUP take home test to do during this week, each group was FORCED to give him a specific time and date for when each group would get together to complete it.  Why would he do this?  Simple.  He wants to avoid giving lazy people the opportunity to take answers from others who have completed the assignment so he asks, while we are at the specified time and date, that we call him to let him know that we are there.  Sure, it would be easy to pretend to be there by calling from your own cell phone but he specifically stated that we MUST all talk to him through the same phone.  As annoying as it is that he assigned this nonsense, this bit of information is only a little background that leads to the true purpose of today's blog.

A member of my group decided the time and place:
10:00 a.m.  

After announcing this to the teacher and telling another person to text the missing group member about our planned meeting, he went on to talk about secretly getting people with work block from all the groups together for the sole purpose of completing the test.  I have no idea what he thought doing this would accomplish since, in my opinion, the test can be done with your own assigned group and it's not necessary to branch out into the other groups. 

However, this morning, I woke up, hastily got dressed, and went to Denny's.  I waited PATHETICALLY till 10:30 when I finally decided it may be that both of my team members weren't going to show up.  The guy in my team who had arranged this did not text me once and I would've taken the initiative to text him if I had gotten his number.  But NOOOOOOO, I had to be lazy by not inputing his number on my phone and simply *hoping* he would text me in the morning about our plans. 

Eh, who cares, I thought to myself.  I'll just eat alone.  I felt a bit ashamed when I told the hostess that it would only be me but  I sat down, ordered water, and felt like a loser sitting alone in the booth. Right when I was about to order, I decided I couldn't take the solitude.  Happily, I phoned my sister Denice to come and eat with me.  I figured she would be hungry and since she had no money today, I could pay for her meal because my mom had given me 20 dollars.  After she arrived, I felt a sense of relief to see her and to have company at my table.  We ate, talked about my sister's own personal he-who-must-not-be-named, watched trailers for Insidious (a movie I'm certainly not interested in seeing as I don't enjoy watching horror movies), and soon after left.

When I got to school, I saw the guy from my group and said to him "WHERE in the WORLD were you?  You never showed up or even texted me." 

His response:  "Oh, you went? I thought we had agreed that the little meeting was just a set up so that Mr. Macroeconomics would think we were working on the test".

My thoughts/response:  What????! I said to myself.  Why would this fool even think that would be a good way to decieve the teacher...our teacher stated that we MUST call him when we are working on the test which was obviously not done.  The test isn't going to complete itself, ya know.

"OMG...I have no memory of such agreement...thanks for making me look like a fool."
I was only being facetious.  Ultimately, I wasn't at all bothered by his failure to arrive even though I was supposedly already aware that the meeting was not going to happen.

His response:  "I'm so sorry! "

My internal unspoken response:  You're a dolt.  I think I'm gonna do the test on my own without any of this little team work nonsense since it just causes more problems.

My vocalized response:  Don't worry about it. 

My sarcastic unspoken comment:  I enjoyed gaining more weight with the fries I ate at Denny's anyhow.

Perhaps I should pay more attention, especially in that class where I have twice before walked into class totally unaware that we had an exam. 

The school year is almost over anyhow.  Its currently 9:04 p.m. in Mission, TX.  With the sound of airplanes passing over my house as I type this and my brother's voice echoing throughout the house as he plays with some game obsessed people on Xbox Live, I can't say my mind is at ease but today deffinately wasn't a bad day. 

For now, I will anticipate tomorrow's events as this day has pretty much come to a close.

Calmly and somewhat collectively,

Dina Starr

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